About Tricity friends
Tricityfriends.com is a Social Platform. With new features, users can share posts, photos,open a store,groups, & more!

   TriCity friends is a social media company that is dedicated to our families and friends, as well as helping our businesses and community grow.

On our site you can chat with friends, call one another from our site, post photos, videos, start your own group, open your own store, follow other friends, enter contests, go live, buy and sell on the marketplace. And so much more!

How do we help our businesses and community?

We have bonded together with a Non-profit foundation called TriCity impact.

When a business joins and becomes a member of TriCity impact, we place them on a special page on our site called (local business members), where you can visit the page and see all the members that have joined TriCity impact. We also help the businesses by advertising for them on local TV and on our social media site!

Why shop these stores or businesses?

When you shop any of these brick and mortar stores or businesses or online on our business page and pay with a credit card or debit card 25% of each transaction that we receive goes directly to TriCity impact!

Also. Anytime you buy a product, shop our store, shop any of the stores on our site, anything that gets bought including ads that we place 25% of the commission on any sale from tricityfriends.com goes directly to TriCity impact as well! With the exception of our marketplace which is where people can buy and sell items that they have for sale.

Memberships!                                                               When you join our membership of only $30 a year, which has lots of great information including how to videos, recipes, information articles, how to improve your golf swing, and so much more! We will also give 25% or $7.50 to TriCity impact, the remainder goes for, employees, promotions, advertising businesses, and expenses.

Just a quick note! It does not cost you any more to shop our site than it would you shopping at Amazon or Walmart or any other store that you would shop online, with the exception that shopping with us 25% of our commission is going towards TriCity impact.

TriCity impact and what they do?

TriCity impact is a Non-profit foundation that helps with education or projects that benefit the citizens of Tri-Cities. Also helping those in need if they have had a devastating loss in their life which they could use help. If you would like you can also make a tax deductible donation by going to (TriCityimpact.org)

Some things we don't like here.

Tri-City friends is just that. We are a friend and family community. So please, no racism, bullying, conspiracy theories, no nudity videos or photos, no trolls, no name calling or putting other people down.

This has nothing to do with first amendment rights, and everything to do with treating people with respect here. If someone is into that kind of stuff there are plenty of other social media sites for that. If someone is flagged for these kinds of abuse they will be disqualified from any contest that we might have going on as well as being deleted and band from our site.

Please! Let's just treat everyone with respect and enjoy friends here,we do not want to delete anyone!

We hope you will join us and bring all your friends the more we grow the more we can do. Let's make tri-cityfriends.com go viral! 

Tricityfriends.com.                                                        TriCityimpact.org                                                   Bringing our friends and families and our community closer together.